Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hello, my name is Esther McCune and for me art making is not successful until my hands are dirty, my clothes are stained and the room I’m working in is in a state of organized chaos.

This is the start of my third year in my certification/master’s program at MU and true to form I am late getting enrolled in my classes because of some conflict with any one of a half a dozen departments. I love and hate MU, I can’t stress enough how much I have respected and enjoyed my teachers but with equally as much frustration I have hated having to deal with the bureaucracy of MU.
This past spring I did my student teaching in the Independence School District and loved every minute of it. I got wonderful recommendations for all four of my principles and full marks from my host teachers, but no job yet. So I will continue moving forward with the program and continue trying to get a teaching position.

The piece below is one of my 8th graders, we had a lot of storms last spring and I wanted to incorporate them into my lesson plans.

The second is one of Cezanne's Mont Sainte Victoire from the Nelson Adkins in Kansas City, a personal favorite

The last two are a pastel piece I did for a friend last fall so that he would have a reminder of home while stuck in Columbia MO

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